Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can occur in women in their 30s and 40s. Many women wonder when they will reach menopause, but it is not an easy thing to predict. Sorry, ladies – there is no crystal ball, but according to WebMD, the most important factor in predicting when you will reach menopause depends on when your mother experienced it. Usually women will reach menopause within a few years of the age when your mother experienced menopause. It is genetically linked, but that is not the only factor that matters!
Other Factors
- Smoking
- Chemotherapy
- Ovarian surgery
- Ethnicity
Can breastfeeding or hormonal birth control cause menopause?
No! Some people might tell you the age of your first period, pregnancy and breastfeeding and hormonal birth control can affect your menopause, but these are just myths.
What are the symptoms?
Menopause symptoms occur due to a shift or imbalance in a woman’s reproductive hormones that are secreted from the ovaries. It affects everyone differently. Some women experience emotional symptoms, physical symptoms and some women experience both.
• Hot flashes
• Sleep irregularities
• Depression
• Weight gain
• Vaginal dryness
• Anxiety
• Vaginal atrophy
• Loss of sexual interest
Make note of your symptoms so you can talk to your doctor!
Talk to Your Healthcare Provider
Let’s be honest, we don’t like talking about our periods or menopause, but talking to a healthcare provider can help you determine if you are beginning to experience symptoms. These symptoms can affect your personal and professional lives, your sleep, your sex life and your relationship.
At Practice Happiness, Dr. Drake can provide non-surgical, medication-free options to treat the symptoms of your hormone imbalance due to menopause.
Types of menopause treatment:
ThermiVa is the most current FDA cleared ThermiHealth procedure. It uses controlled, radiofrequency energy to transfer heat; applying heat to tissue has become the standard for promoting collagen production, which helps to strengthen the support columns and improves the integrity of the skin. This treatment is the first and only temperature-controlled radio frequency system being used non-surgically in aesthetics. It is designed to stimulate vascularity and collagen production; moisture can be restored to dry vaginal tissues.
These treatments are non-surgical & medication-free! The OShot® and ThermiVa® procedures can help treat hormone imbalance and the symptoms of menopause – and offer other incredible results! The O Shot® procedure uses PRP (Plasma Rich Platelets), derived from the patient’s own blood and delivered to a specific vaginal region. ThemiVa uses controlled radiofrequency energy to transfer heat, which promotes collagen production, strengthens the support columns and improved the integrity of the skin.
What are the benefits of BioTE® hormone therapy?
Patients report that one of the most effective methods of regaining hormonal balance is through bio-identical hormone replacement therapy pellets from BioTE® Medical. Pellets can be inserted in a few minutes and are virtually painless.
- Fewer side effects than synthetic hormone therapy
- Decreased emotional symptoms of hormone imbalance, such as depression, anxiety, fatigue and lack of energy
- Decreased physical symptoms of hormone imbalance, such as acne, hair loss, dry skin, thinning skin, unstable blood pressure, low blood pressure and facial brown spots
What are the benefits of O Shot® treatments?
- Improved vascularity in the vaginal region
- Enhanced nerve stimulation and regrowth
- Increase in sexual responsiveness
- Potentially relieves discomfort
- Increased blood flow to the clitoris
- Enhanced vaginal sensitivity
- Potential improved arousal and orgasm
- Regrowth of new tissue
- Potential of decreased stress and urinary incontinence symptoms
What are the benefits of ThermiVa®?
- Immediate contraction of collagen
- Immediate collagen remodeling & elasticity
- Long-term stimulation & production of new collagen
- Vaginal tightening
- Urinary incontinence minimized
- Improvement of vaginal appearance
To learn more about treatment options for hormone imbalance and menopause symptoms, please contact Dr. Drake‘s office at 281-402-3268 to schedule a private consultation.